We Need Your Help!

We are reaching out today to ask for your help. 

Our artists have always been generous with their time, with their knowledge, and with their creative gifts.  —and now they need our help.

In the next four weeks alone, 10 performing artists affiliated with Music Is First will lose more than $20,000 in income because of school closures. As freelancers and independent contractors, if teaching artists don't work, they don't earn the money they need to live.

Can you give a donation to help us keep our community’s teaching artists housed, nourished, and well during this crisis? We have launched an Angel Donor Fund, so that regardless of school closures and future uncertainty, artists can still receive compensation and give you musical resources to do at home through our website and Private Facebook.

Please help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by April 15th.

100% of all tax-deductible donations given to this fund will go directly to our artists who are impacted by school closures and cancellations. Music Is First will cover all donation processing fees. You will also be added to a private Facebook Group that allows you to access additional resources.

Beyond this immediate need, Music Is First  will continue to leverage community funds to support to work with our teaching artists so that our young people can once again experience all that our artists have to offer.

Artists give their all to students and communities every day. They truly are the catalyst for change, the spark that can transform the course of a life, the light in so many hearts in our communities—now it is time to give them our support.

We ask that you please give generously.
